Performing Analysis Of Meteorological Data
Various datasets are available on internet. Weather datasets is one that is easier to find on the internet.There are different sites providing different meteorological parameters such as pressure,temperature,humidity,etc. The goal is to transform the raw data into useful information and then convert it into knowledge. Basic tasks are performed on the raw data to perform the analysis such as data cleaning,data normalizing,testing the hypothesis and finally inferring certain information from the Meteorological Dataset. The dataset has temperature recorded for 10 years starting from 2006-04-01 to 2016-09-09 on hourly basis. Null Hypothesis- Has the Apparent Temperature and humidity compared monthly across 10 years of data indicate an increase ,reason being Global Warming. 1. First, we will import all the necessary libraries i.e., Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Numpy,etc. 2. We can read the csv file using pandas libraries read.csv(). We will store the data frame into a variable and view the...